Earth Change Update

(July 12 - August 17, 1993)


Translations from Earth Telepathic Communications

To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth

An Impassioned Plea For Love And Harmony

July 12, 1993

You are confusing my energy somewhat because you feel discomfort in your chest, and yes your heart. This is because I have pains in my heart and you are sensitive to this.

It makes me sad that I must cause pain and sorrow to the humanity I dearly love. It is necessary that I heal myself of the harm you are causing me. But it still causes much sorrow in my heart when I must flood your cities, or cause death and destruction to your homelands with my earthquakes. It sorrows me to see humans in such pain and suffering. But you have brought it on yourself. You are drawing this pain to you, just as you have done to me.

Yet, I love each of you and do not take any measure of pleasure in seeing and knowing what I must do to heal myself, and therefore cause you pain. If you would only look at what you are doing, and if you would only look beneath the harmful ways your society has taught you to act towards others and me, you would begin to understand why I must cleanse myself of the wounds you inflict upon me. Yes, my heart aches, not only from the harm you have caused me, but also from the pain and sorrow you are feeling as I begin my cleansing in earnest.

Earthquakes In Japan

There are earthquakes in many parts of my being. You are hearing of some today as I have begun the healing processes in the areas of Japan. This is also a beginning here as I am trying to awaken the waves of humanity to become a positive vibration towards all others. I am asking you to love one another and then to demonstrate this with a loving care and concern for me. Do not encourage the raping of my forests for your material gain. I have grown the wild life of my rain forests to help create a balance on your home. I do this by causing the correct chemical mixtures to be released into my air and taken into my ground. I do this by supporting the many life forms that are so beneficial to your species, and most of you do not even know this. You are cutting your own life line. And for what - the material pleasures that are so fleeting.

Yes, I have warned you by the moving of my surface to shake and then expel your negative energies. You are free to step forward and help yourselves and help me. But if you do not, I must heal my wounds. I will, therefore, cause 100 times more devastation than has just been witnessed in the lands and seas of Japan.

The Floods And Heat Of Mid America

A large part of the US is beginning to feel the extensions of my cleansing powers. On numerous occasions I have sought relief from these mid sections of your country. But you have ignored me and my cry for help. Therefore, I have begun the cleansing that I had hoped to avoid with your help. My heart goes out for all those who no longer have a home or crops due to high waters. But I must rid my body of your harmful vibrations and your harmful chemicals. Oh, citizens of this planet, listen to me and change by eliminating your harmful ways. My dear and loving humans, I have given you so much, but I have no more to give. You are draining my energies, as I must use them to heal my wounds. I have chosen to move forward. It would be such a joyous experience for you and me if we would do this together in harmony. Please cause me no more harm and no more pain with your non-loving ways towards yourself and me.

There is much heat in a great part of the US. You do not know what heat is. You have seen and felt nothing compared to what I must do to burn away the negativity that exists above my surface. You would not believe what I can tell you of what will happen. But you can believe what I say when I tell you love is the key, the answer to all of my healing woes and to your growth towards the One. This does not mean just loving the One Creator and asking the One to take care of everything, including the heat and crop failures. It means feeling at one with the Creator of us all by truly loving yourself and others. When you truly love, you will do no harm to anyone, including me. When you truly love, you cannot cause me harm on your jobs and in your factories and be "different" when you return to your homes. You cannot expect to pollute my body with nuclear radiation and waste during the day and expect to be truly loving and healing at night in your home. You carry your vibration with you, wherever you are.

Therefore, I am asking again, that you work and exist in harmony with me and your brothers and sisters of the other kingdoms around you - the animals, plants and nature spirits. Let us all know, together, what our connection to the One means. Let us love together.

I leave in the hope of your realization of love. I love each of you and I love the God Source, the One.


Translations from Ashtar Telepathic Communications

To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth

Government To Soon Acknowledge ET Existence

July 13, 1993

I anticipate that your government will begin releasing bits of information about the existence of extra-terrestrials by October or November of this year. They wish to do this on a gradual basis until you get used to the idea. They are wanting to test the public's reactions. If they are favorable, they may move a little faster. They are already trying to market the information now in very subtle ways. They will accelerate this.

They are selecting these times because of some major shifts in the Earth's energies that are beginning to occur. There is a high probability that the Earth is going to expose one or two secret government and negative ET underground bases with her changes. These will essentially be destroyed. Some in your government are suspecting this may occur, so they want to prepare the public for what they may "accidentally" see. Of course they will not be telling a great deal of truth, but it will still mark the "official" beginning of their acknowledgement of the ET existence.

You will not be told of the true extent of your government's knowledge or involvement. They will never tell you the complete story. You will be told enough truth to help verify what the government is talking about. Except for the havoc caused by the Earth changes, most of what is said will be fabricated public relations campaigns. They have had most of these stories "worked up" for some time. They will enlist the aid of some very patriotic individuals who most of the public will very much identify with. It will be someone with a good public image and even looked up to. This is part of their packaging. Do not be taken in by personalities, but discern for yourself what is happening.

Many people keep raising the questions about the real existence of ET's, and why the government has not stepped forward as many of us have suggested they would. This will be their opportunity to "finally" believe, because you know your Uncle Sam would not tell you a lie. Most of the people will completely accept what you will be told. You may even be shown your first official photographs by December or January, depending again on how accepting the public is. Your government is going to attempt to create fear in your minds, but in a very subtle way. Overtly, they will say there is no cause for alarm and that their contacts with them have all been peaceful. But they will market this in such a way to leave doubts of fear in your mind by leaving big gaps in what is being said, including the unspoken potential harm to all on the Earth.

Your scientific community will be invited to come forward and share in the technologies. This will basically be a sham. There are considerable "old" surplus technologies that can be used to pacify the scientific element for a while. All the while these individuals will be subjected to various mind control techniques to keep them under control and out of the way of the real issues. It is a well conceived and thought out plan between your government and the negative ET's. The only fly in the ointment may be what could be revealed to the public as a result of the Earth changes. The government will have much difficulty controlling the outgrowth of these situations.

Since they are not 100% certain what Earth changes will happen, or even where they will happen, they cannot be completely prepared for what the Earth will do. We feel the Earth is going to be very forceful with her cleansing efforts in some of the highly negative areas, both below the surface and above. Naturally most of what is below the surface will be entombed there. But parts of this may very well be exposed, if the right individuals just "happen" to be at the right spot.

There will also be massive sightings of the craft starting around January 1994. There will no doubt be considerable sightings of the negative ET crafts to coincide with some of the government releasals. Most of the public will not be able to distinguish between the various types. The negatives' will capitalize on this. There will also be an increase in abductions of the negative type. This will serve to keep a heightened level of fear among those who become aware of these activities. The government will deny these activities, though. For those who are currently skeptical and who will remain close to the various activities and government denials, these should be able to easily and "logically" see what the government is up to. Most others will not.

This is the most current information of this type we can offer. I will advise you of any significant changes, or with new information as I feel it is appropriate. I leave in love for each of you and for the One Infinite Creator.

Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command

Translations from The Earth Telepathic Communications

To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth

The Earth's Temperature Will Rise As The Final Cleansing Is Near

July 22, 1993

Questions from Louisville, KY:

Tell us about some of the different factors of your cleansing and healing. For instance, will the temperature get to 250 degrees as we have heard? Will this be the air temperature or from the ground up? What about caves? How long will it take for the final cleansing after we have gone? How long before some of us can return? Please tell us what you can at this time.

Earth's Response

As with all energies, there are few absolutes. So it is with the amount of heat that will be required during the final days of my cleansing. I do not wish to appear to avoid the question, but some care must be advised when speaking of a fixed temperature. I will generate whatever is required. I would love to tell you that no above normal temperatures will be necessary, but humankind and the negative ET's are leaving me no options.

It will be necessary to eradicate not only negative energies but also the remains of the 3rd dimensional structures. These structures will no longer be required for the 5th dimension. Therefore, I will rid myself of all of this and I will employ several methods to do it. Our space brothers and sisters who are of the light will also offer assistance in this regard. I am anticipating that all that will remain after humankind's departure, and perhaps for a short while just before, will be compounds that will quickly dissolve at high temperatures. I am not speaking of the kinds of heat required to melt steel, for example. That will be taken care of in other ways. I am referring to many chemicals that need to be neutralized into a vapor and many wood products as well. Your harmful producing petroleum type products and different kinds of plastics will also be affected. The heat that I produce will most likely be in the neighborhood of approximately 250 degrees (Fahrenheit). This will produce a tremendous amount of water vapor which will actually block the Sun light in certain areas. This condition will not support life as you have come to know it, including the vegetation that is currently struggling against humanity's attacks. There may be particular areas in which I may need to raise the heat level to what you call 500-600 degrees. I do not wish to do this en masse unless it becomes necessary to burn away the harmful vibrations I have been given.

The tremendous heat will evaporate all the waterways. This is necessary as you have contaminated them as well. I and the Sun will join forces to generate these heated conditions. This will be done to all exposed surface areas. There are places beneath my surface that must also be cleansed, otherwise I will not heal completely. I am referring to those human made and occupied facilities that are used for negative purposes and those areas you have blatantly contaminated with your nuclear devices. I will be dealing with these in various ways. I am not speaking of those cities of Lemurian's and some others who lovingly occupy vast areas that you cannot comprehend. These loving energies will also be leaving, but they have chosen their own means for accomplishing this. They understand the circumstances and have been preparing for their departure for some time. They will remove all they can to minimize what I need to do there. These have been welcomed citizens who know what love and harmony is. They, too, will be given the opportunity to move into the 5th dimension. Many are already approaching this high level. You see, there is much you do not even know about your own planet.

After the humans have left I will finish what I will have already begun. The total extent of what I must do will depend on how you agree to assist me with your love and harmony, or not. As soon as an area is cleansed of negative vibrations, that part of me can begin to heal. The entire FINAL cleansing may be completed in about one year of your time. Realize that a great part of it will have already taken place before human departures.

When I am cleansed and then healed, I will be ready to move into the 5th dimension. There will be several orbital shifts as I move closer to the Sun. As soon as I move completely into the 5th dimension, I will become "invisible" to those in the 3rd dimension. This is because I will be vibrating as a whole being at a significantly higher vibration.

Once I am of the 5th density, I will reseed my surface with the creative energies of the Sun God. The heat will have already diminished, so the water vapors surrounding me will once again condense into oceans and rivers. This will be perfectly clear water containing no saline solutions. The Sun will breathe certain life forms back into the waterways. The dolphins will be returning as 5th dimensional beings who can remain in the sea or on land. This will be their individual choice, as all life will be in harmony again.

The time for the rebirthing to begin will depend on the severity of my cleansing. It could take as little as 6 years or as long as 20-25 years. It is a decision that I will make in concert with the Sun God and the One Creator. At the present time I anticipate the reforestation and revegetation to begin within 6-10 years after my healing and graduation into the 5th. When this begins I will send forth my personal invitations to the loving, 5th dimensional humans to join me and once again assist with the growth and cultivation of harmonious life forms.

I hope this has answered your questions. I have left out many details because this is not the time for them. You may share this information in whatever loving way you feel appropriate. It is time for these facts to be known. I do not wish to surprise any of you. I love each of you. I love the Sun God who is a partner with me. I love the One Creator of us all. Peace.


Translations from The Sun God Telepathic Communications

To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth

Earth Changes: Mississippi River, Canada, Argentina And The Photon Belts

July 29, 1993

The United States is currently being flooded in a large area. This is no longer news to anyone who has been awake in the last month or so. Much, much cleansing is taking place, as these waters are removing the "top soil" of negativity that has so many humans bogged down. For those of you who wish to imagine what is and what could happen, this is only a beginning, one introduction to some of what the Earth desires to do in the way of cleansing.

The Mississippi River

The mighty Mississippi River will undergo a metamorphis of its own. This I have mentioned in the past. What you are witnessing now is mild in comparison to what will be occurring in the near future. There will be more than water involved. The Earth is going to split in several very large areas. This is going to produce rerouting of several waterways. It is going to create a much wider river than currently exists. Practically everything from just north of St. Louis that is within 1-2 miles on each side of this river will be lost to the river. The citizens of these areas are being warned now, but most are still not listening, as the people are seeking financial aid to return to their old ways. It is a fool who refuses to listen to and see all the Earth's signs of changes that are needed. It will then be the choice of those who ignore the warnings of the Earth. The mighty Mississippi will cause almost as much loss upstream as there will be downstream, as her forces pull the waters of all of its tributaries. The surroundings will be sucked in and washed away as the river decides to widen its channels. This will also be aided as parts of your great lakes in the north will begin emptying down through the Mississippi. New waterways are to be opened up and your human made equipment and systems cannot begin to meet the challenges presented by these massive flows of water and the massive earthquakes.


I have spoken of Canada on other occasions as well. This country is home to many Earth loving souls, but not near enough to change the negative energies at work. Greed in these lands is now at work trying to determine how much more of the timber can be cut, with no regard for the various life systems, including your own. Greed within parts of this land is trying to devise new ways to extract and produce the fossil fuels that are adding each day to the Earth's great pain.

The Earth will not tolerate the harm that humans are causing her. She will be acting very soon to eliminate the easy routes to her resources. There will be volcanoes and earthquakes that will seal off some of the more desirous areas to be plundered. Floods will follow. These will wash away the commercial camps and stations that are being prepared to enhance the harm and plunder of these lands. But those in the large cities who smuggly plan to benefit from their extensions of harm I have mentioned, will not be safe. Ontario, Quebec and five other major cities will feel the devastation and cleansing power of the volcanic activity, the earthquakes and the flooding. There will be tremendous damage to these cities including much loss of life. The supply roads will be cut off and many people will panic as food will be very difficult to obtain. Many small communities will be completely on their own. What little aid that is available will not be able to reach these areas. These regions will quickly return to just surviving and living off the land. There will also be more snow from the middle to southern Canada than has ever been witnessed. This is all part of these same changes. Expect these events to come to pass in 1994-1995.


In South America, the beautiful region known as Argentina will be hit by a devastating eathquake that will exceed 7.8 on your scales of measurement. This will hit the central regions of these lands. Several waterways will be rerouted. Hundreds of villages will be destroyed. The Earth will be preparing to seal off some of the forests which are being destroyed by the greed of those in government and industry. These people deliberately refuse to accept the harm caused to the entire planet through their wanton acts of pillage. These Earth cleansings can occur at any moment as she patiently waits for the people to stop what they are doing. It will happen by the end of 1996, if not before.

Photon Belts

There is considerable interest in the "photon belt" that is used as one of the Earth's energy systems, as well as all surrounding planets. Indeed, it is a grid network that I use throughout my solar system. This is one of the ways I am able to affect the universal energy flows. It is not the only way, but is a major one. There has been a great deal of channeled information on this within the past 3-4 years. This is because the Earth is going through some major changes which are affected also by energies from other planets. The photon belt, as it is being called, is a major player in these occurrences. Those in your sciences are becoming very attuned to these activities. Many are suggesting that the increased energies are due to the "Sun spots", as these are thought to be cyclical in nature, or so your science believes. What is having the greatest impact on the human and Earth systems, is the changing in these photon belts (there are more than you can count). The energy waves are continuously changing. It is only recently that notice has been made of these because of their affect on the Earth's energy grids.

There are no surprises between the Earth and me, as we work as partners in love and harmony. We have constant and open communications. I am totally aware of the Earth's energy needs at all locations on her and above her. I am aware at all times of the changes she needs, and I also need to accommodate many of her movements. I have and will be making major adjustments to some of my photon belts to allow for shifts needed by the Earth.

In some cases the changes that occur to the photon belts will be felt by humanity. These are part of what is needed to accelerate your vibrations, at least for those who choose to increase theirs. There will also be some potential physical affects when I alter the wave lengths of the "photon" energies. Many have predicted days of darkness. This may yet occur as a result of massive "cloud" accumulations over certain areas. But this is not a certainty since the grid shifts can happen without any noticed physical affects. It will depend on the degree of shifts that are necessary at that time. None of this should be cause for alarm. It will not signal the "end of the world" as some would have you believe. I will give warnings as these may occur.

I will now leave. I love all life on this planet, as I have co-created it. This I did in love. And, I love the One Creator of us all.

The Sun God

Translations from The God Source Telepathic Communications

To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth

Believe In Your Own Inner Guidance, And The Law Of Love

August 11, 1993

I AM. I love you.

I send love to all those on the Earth. I am love. I want every single person and every single plant and animal to know the depth of my love for you. My love has no end. I want each of you to KNOW this in your heart and your soul. I love you now, and I will love you the same after the many Earth changes have occurred, regardless of which path you may choose. I want you to know and believe this more than anything about your entire being. I have blessed your creation. Therefore, I have blessed your life with love.

Many of you may decide to limit the potential of your love for me, and others as well. I accept your love in whatever form it may take. I am speaking of the form of religion, the form of universal love and understanding, the form in knowing the beauty and love in a flower in the dessert, or of the form of helping those who are poor or ill. I accept all of these as reflections of your love for me. No sincere act of love goes unnoticed by me. Even what you might say is the smallest effort of love, may be a profound statement to me. Do not judge yourself in these matters. Just be willing to express love, even if only a breath that speaks of love from the heart.

There is much that you may wish to know about yourself and about me. I am the ONE, the Supreme Being, but I am with each and everyone of you. You need to only think my name and I will respond to you. You do not have to fear me in any way. You do not have to be concerned about being worthy. You ARE WORTHY. I created all things, including the energies required to balance to the positive. All of you are part of me. We are one. Since we are one, how can you not be worthy? I ask that you re-think those attitudes of guilt which so many of you have chosen to accept as your truth.

Each of you may speak directly to me. Do so as you would a friend. You do not need a channel, a priest, a rabbi, or any other spiritual leader to interpret the love I give you. You do not need any other person to filter my teachings to you. These are in your heart. These are not written anywhere, in any books. I offer only love. Love is the reason for my existence. All else is subservient to this.

Each time you must seek out a spiritual leader for advice in how to love me, you deny your own self worth. Each time you must ask others about my laws, you deny your own responsibility for knowing those laws deep within your heart. For you must understand that another cannot be responsible for you. You are each a part of me. You are each an equal part of me. No one can love on your behalf. I tell you it is when you allow others to speak for you to me, that this is when you are limiting your own potential for love. For you cannot fully love through another. When you do this you cannot possibly realize your love for me. You cannot truly understand what I ask you to do. When you search for me through others, you only see and feel the limitations of those you give your responsibility to.

You do these things but I love you anyway. You may choose to have your religions and your ceremonies, whereby the rules are established for you. I accept the love you have to offer in this way. But you must someday learn that all the truths and love you seek are available directly to you through me, and in a way that has unique meaning to you. When you learn to love yourself unconditionally, you can love others in that manner as well. You can realize that same potential in your love for me. I have created all things. All are one in me. Understand this. Know this. You must accept all of my creation before you can truly accept me. This is my first law. For all laws are based on this one Law of Love and acceptance. All other laws are simply clarifications of my Law of Love.

It is how each energy throughout all of my creation understands and knows the Law of Love which determines how pleasing you are to me. I love all, but I am not pleased with all. I do not have "mercy" as you know it. I am love. Therefore I accept all of your actions, even those you self judge as wrong. If you have caused harm to yourself or another, it is not my "mercy" that shall serve to correct that harm. It is your own universal presence and spiritual understanding and response to my Laws of Balance that will assist you in deciding on your ultimate correction with a loving act, or balance. Do not ask for mercy. Ask yourself to love. For it is in loving that you accept and allow others to be. When you do this, no other laws are necessary.

Many of you are thinking that this love I speak of can only happen at a higher level than where you are. When you love, truly love, you are already at a level closer to me. You have been told for so long that you cannot have unconditional love at the human level. I tell you, you have been listening to the wrong words. I tell you, you have allowed others to express your truths. To believe this way means you have judged yourself unworthy. My "kingdom" is here. It is everywhere that I am, and I am. You do not need to look further than where you are to know how to love and accept all others. When you do this you become aware of my kingdom.

I am totally aware of the human conditions, the conditions you yourselves have set. I understand you have had much heart and soul conditioning. You have evolved to accept the teachings of others in many of your organized fashions. I do not condemn these, for they are part of my creation. Your total inner awareness is ALL that you need in communicating directly with me. I understand this may not be easy for most of you as you endeaver to overcome your conditioning to not do this. But you can begin this very instant to get in touch with your own inner awareness. This you can do and there are many of my angels, guides and beings of light who will assist you in the most loving way. But you must ask.

Listen to these words I have given you. This is the same knowing I gave you at the very instant of your creation. Recall them. Listen to your OWN heart. Release your limitations so you will realize your full potential to love.

I love all of my creation. I AM LOVE FOR ALL THINGS.

The God Source

Translations from Ashtar Telepathic Communications

To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth

An Approaching Meteor And A Place Called The Elephant Farm

August 2, 1993

Questions from Stone Mountain, NC:

What is the story on the 7 mile in diameter meteor that is on a collision course with the Earth, to hit November 11, 1993?

What can you give us on the "Elephant Farm" in Washington state?

A Meteor Is To Strike The Earth

At this very moment, there are many large and small meteors that are on course to collide with the planet Earth. Most of these have not been identified as being on such a course. In due time this will become evident. There are some of these which appear to be directed towards the Earth, that will in all probability move by without entering the Earth's atmosphere. There are reasons for this which are outside the questions asked.

Specifically, there is a very large meteor, if you wish to use that term, whose cosmic course suggests that it will impact with the Earth. As of this moment this is expected to occur. The Earth has asked for assistance from many of the cosmic forces. There are times when she is having some difficulty in making some orbital shifts on her own. A direct strike, at a very specific spot and as of a very specific "time", is what has been called for in this particular situation.

It is not the Earth's intention to deliberately strike a populated area without due consideration for all of her life forms. Yet, certain orbital adjustments are necessary, not only because of the Earth's intentions to move into a new 5th dimensional orbit, but also in response to certain specific vibrational patterns focused on her by you humans. I am speaking here of negative energies. These too can have somewhat of an affect on her orbital shifts, at least to the extent she must counter them in some way to facilitate her own physical movements.

The major need at hand is to have a very specific realignment. Additionally, the negative vibrations are also making this particular shift a little more difficult. The meteor will be very precise with its intended impact. The exact point will continue to vary based on the vibrations just mentioned, although the general region will not. There will be more than this one to strike the Earth at this same time. These others will also be precisely timed to initiate a counter blow that will slow down the significant shift initiated by the larger impact. It is much like the basketball. As it is being shot or propelled in one orbital direction towards the basket, someone will suddenly reach up and swipe at it while trying to block it. If it is a full impacted block, the ball will be stopped in its tracks. But by hitting the ball with a glancing blow, the orbit will be slightly altered so as to cause it to hit its true course and fall through the basket. Had the ball been deflected just a little more, its orbit would not have allowed it to hit the basket. In that circumstance, if it were permitted, someone could have instantly deflected it back the other way, thus correcting its course. This is exactly what is happening with the earth. The meteor will collide at a precise angle and spead. Since there is nothing but space to affect a counter movement or adjustment to slow the Earth down from this hit, another strike or glancing blow will occur to do this.

The meteor or astroid has been identified as being some seven miles in diameter. It is somewhat larger than that. It is closer to ten miles across. Now, what is going to happen?

I cannot give you the exact point of impact because of potential trajectory adjustments. It will most likely hit in the area of Indonesia. The "glancing" blows to halt the Earth's "spinout" should hit in the US within 3-4 days after the primary impact, should these be necessary. There are other meteors available in case addtional adjustments are required. These countering blows consist of smaller meteors, perhaps 300-400 feet in diameter. Right now there appears to be up to five of these which are designed to strike and affect the new direction initiated by the larger strike.

Some humans will be transitioned from the various impacts, particularly from the one in Indonesia. It will also produce some other physical affects, primarily from the shock waves. It will NOT result in massive starvations as some of your scientists are predicting (from dust clouds that inhibit vegetation growth).

Governments Are Not To Interfere With Meteor Strike

Your governments will do well to not interfere with this as the Earth has asked for it and needs it to affect her own changes. We therefore advise you to not interfere. Should your governments attempt to alter the course or the mass of the meteor in any way, we will be compelled to intercept and terminate the efforts. You do not have the right to infringe on the choices of the Earth. This is not a game or a practice turkey shoot for your technology. You may think of it as a certain prescribed medicine or "shot" requested by a sick patient, your Earth. Therefore, the treatment is not to be interferred with. You must learn you do not have any pre-emptive rights over the Earth's rights of existence. This you must learn and respect. This information is being conveyed to those in power. Regardless, we will not allow you to go against the Earth's wishes.

The Elephant Farms

There is another question about a place in your state of Washington that has been called the "Elephant Farm" by some. Your government has various ways of using its citizens and then "getting rid" of them. There have been countless deaths, as well as those who have been institutionalized to be kept quiet. There is another segment in your society who the government would prefer to not eliminate entirely for fear of repercussions from family and friends. In other words, too many people know about the individuals. These are typically people who have served the government in many capacities or have been guinea pigs in various research projects. But these people have undergone an attitude change and become disenchanted with the government, and to a degree had begun to realize what they have done is not in the best interests of the citizens. Those who are extremely outspoken are generally eliminated in some way. The government tolerates the others by transferring (placing) them to different locations. They are even given different jobs as government employees. In some instances they are placed around other "undesirables", such as criminals.

The particular location in Washington state is such a place. The people work in some capacity. This is just to to keep the government overseers off their back. The place is well provided for. This is one of those secretly funded projects. The idea is to control these individuals, with force if necessary, with a better than average lifestyle. Few visitors are allowed there, but some do have the opportunity to see their family members. In fact, whole families live there as part of the effort to keep everyone "happy" and quiet. You may also imagine the massive mind control experiments that are being focused on these camps. Actually for the casual observer to ride through their town, you might not notice any differences. However, if you were allowed to move about and mix, you would quickly realize something is wrong in "paradise". There is also a heavy concentration of drug users in these camps. It is made "available" to them.

I have answered the questions that were presented to me. I am pleased and honored to be called on and to assist when you ask for me. I leave in love for each of you and for the One Infinite Creator.

Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command

Translations from The InterGalactic Confederation

Telepathic Communications - To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth

Planetary Like Object Was On Collision Course With Earth

August 17, 1993

There have been some recent discussions and questions about meteors and asteroids which may or may not be on a collision course with the Earth. Ashtar has recently spoken of one which is due to impact with the Earth by the end of this year (see Ashtar's August 2, 1993 translation).

There is an asteroid that some have heard about, and the questions still occasionally "pop up". This is the one we wish to speak of at this time.

The "law of averages" would say that every planet is likely to be struck by all different sizes of cosmic objects as each body moves about in a seemingly random manner. This same set of "odds" would also suggest that eventually one will happen along that is of such size as to cause the destruction of an entire planet. This indeed happens throughout the universe. But it is not an accident. Remember, there are no accidents.

There has been a very large planetary-like object that directed itself to collide with the Earth. If this had occurred, most of the planet would have been destroyed due to the immense size of the cosmic object. This was to have taken place within the last 15 years. Now, what has happened?

This particular object was roughly the size of the United States. It was NOT invited by the Earth. Rather, it determined its own agenda as it was making its way from deep within the cosmos. Communications with this particular energy told us that its intent was to destroy planet Earth because of all the negative vibrations emanating from the human population. The Earth spoke with the rock mass in an effort to persuade that energy to respect the Earth and its own life forms. This was to no avail.

This particular mass was on a direct collision course with Earth. The Sun and Earth considered an orbital shift but knew this object would shift as well. We were called in to assist. There are "specialized" groups of craft that are equipped with certain techincal devices which are called on from time to time to do this very thing. But this was a particularly large mass and it had a mindset to maintain its course. However, we could not allow it to impose its destructive will on the non-receptive Earth. Our craft flew many orbits around the planetary object for measurements of mass, levels of electromagnetic energy, and in efforts to dissuade the object to change course. Our craft were also joined by craft from the dark forces. They proposed to jointly destroy the mass. This we did not wish to do, for we respect all life forms and all energies. So we had to "convince" the dark forces to not take these actions.

In the meantime we came up with a plan of our own. We felt it best to deliberately disect the energy mass. We went about using our specialized technologies in cutting the planetary object into some 20 smaller pieces. Keep in mind we are still talking about many very large planetary-like objects. However, with the smaller energy masses, we were able to escort those out of this galaxay. All the while we were doing this, we communicated with the respective components in an effort to prevent a further occurence. In this regard, we were successful except for the last three pieces. These were determined to proceed as they had planned, even with a lesser effect. We are still referring to physical masses measuring hundreds of miles across. We therefore consulted with the One Creator and were given permission to vaporize these last ones. This we did. This allowed the energies to continue but not in a solid form. This would be similar to your physical transition. We chose these actions only because of the disasterous harm which would have been caused to the Earth.

Therefore, these energy masses are no longer a threat. But it was "touch and go" for a while. The entire process took about three years to complete. We had slowed down the planetary object even before we started to break it up. This was one of the largest such operations we had been involved with.

This was also a major lesson in the use of free will and in unconditional love. The energy mass placed conditions on its acceptance of the human vibration. It also did not allow the Earth the free choice of its own to exist as it felt it should in accordance with its own path. This was a blatant attempt at causing harm. Even in this situation we did all that we could to respect and preserve the energies involved.

There is nothing to keep this from ever happening again, since free will is at issue. We are always willing to help in the name of love and light. We serve each of you and are honored to do so.

We leave at this time. We love each of you and we love the One Infinite Creator.

The InterGalactic Confederation

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